Would you go back to a restaurant if you previously had a bad experience?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Boss

  • I love when I have a boss who has obviously never served a day in their life. Thought that go through my head: How are you going to supervise me when you have no idea how to do my job? I could walk out of here right now and you would be screwed because you can't step into my shoes and do what I do.
  • I love green bosses. They're still so shiny and new. They have that "New Manager" smell. And they're so easy to run over too. You can get almost anything out of them if you know the right way to manipulate them.
  • I really love the bosses that are total pricks. The ones that have the know-how to do the job, but lack the people skills to really get it right. I had a boss, we'll call him Scott, that was the ultimate prick. He made racist and sexual comments on a daily basis. He would pit employees against each other like he had placed a bet on it. Scott was also the one that refused to allow his employees to fraternize. Like he can control that! Idiot. (By the way, I currently have two kids with an ex-coworker I met while working for this prick.)
  • I really love The Lifers. You know who I'm talking about, the managers who've been in the industry for so long they have a cot out back to nap in. They always turn out one of two ways, either they give up and you find them napping at their desk in the office (yes, I've had this happen to me), or they're so gung-ho about the job that they talk about it constantly; continuously reminding every employee they come across that if they work hard they can someday become a manager too.

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